Monday, February 16, 2009

Cassady Killed in 1898

One of the fun things about doing family history research is that sometimes you find things you weren't looking for. For example, I was recently looking at some digitized newspapers in Utah and I found an article about Butch Cassady's death. it was in the Deseret News, 1898. Here is what it says:

Surrounded by a Posse and Shot Down While Resisting Arrest.

"Salt Lake, May 14 [1898] -- Butch Cassady, the master spirit of innumberable depradations and a leading spirit among the desperadoes in Robbers Roost, was killed yesterday in a fight with a posse while resisting arrest. Joe Walker, another of the gang, was also killed and Lay and Thompson were captured.

"About a week ago these desperadoes forcibly drove off 25 head of cattle belonging to the Whitmore boys of Price. Whitmore followed them but was held up and relieved of his horse and compelled to walk to Price, Carbon county, where a posse was raised which started in pursuit. They traveled night and day and surprised the bandits while asleep. A call to surrender was met with a shot from Cassady. A battle then began which lasted about five minutes, during which Cassady and Walker were killed. The others then surrendered.

"Both the dead men had rewards hanging on them of $500 each, offered by Governor Wells some months since Cassady was the leader in the Montpelier, Idaho, bank robbery two years ago, and also of the robbery of the P V Coal Company last summer. The two raids netted about $14,000. He and Walker robbed a store at Green River about a month since."

It was in the Deseret News!!  Nothing here about Bolivia.

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