Friday, January 30, 2009

It's past 12:30 a.m. and I'm just ready to put the computer to sleep for the night, go get some hot bread and milk and get ready for bed. I've been working on my family history today, cleaning up my database, filling in blanks, etc. Just for fun, I thought I'd have my genealogy program tell me how many cousins I have. I was really liberal, allowing half cousins and cousins removed as many times as necessary... Well, there are sixty-five pages of them!!! Who knew?? I'm printing out the first 12 pages, just those who are first, second, or third cousins. Who are these people? I'm about to find out.

Here's a photo of most of my MICHIE first cousins, my mom's side. The photo was taken at a family reunion in 1946. That's me, third girl from the right, sitting on the grass. You can see that most of the cousins are older than I. A lot of them were already married and having families of their own.

1 comment:

  1. Holy Cow so how may cousins do I have. Are your sisters in this picture too?? I don't recognize anyone but you
